All of our products are shipped directly from our factory to our customers. Shipping costs are not included in the individual prices and must be paid by the customer directly to the transportation center. Freight cost is determined by the ship to address, weight and size of product ordered. To determine freight costs, please call us for the lowest quote.
Our products are shipped from Downey, CA,, Miami, FL, Memphis, TN and Fort Lee, NJ. Standard "Tailgate or Curbside" delivery. The customer is responsible for unloading the merchandise from the back of the truck. We can provide a Liftgate Delivery and or inside delivery for an extra charge. Please contact us.
CLAIMS/FREIGHT DAMAGES, AND SHORTAGES It is the responsibility of the customer to count and inspect the condition of the shipment before signing the freight bill of landing. Any damages or missing pieces must be noted at time of delivery on freight bill before driver leaves. Please open box to check for any concealed damage. Call us and we will advise you as to the best source to follow with any damaged merchandise
Please call Laura at 877-610-3078 for further details.